Thursday, June 25, 2009

"I am the Good Shepherd"

John 10. 11-18
"Staying with the Sheep"
This Sunday, we continue with Christ's figure of the sheep and the shepherds. (This "figure of speech" (v6) is the closest thing to a parable in John's gospel) Shepherd imagery is found in Ezekiel 34. Ezekiel prophesied the Lord as shepherd.
Jesus knew this scripture and used a figure that the people could understand. Jesus interpreted the meaning of this imagery for his own ministry and mission to the world.
Verses 23-24 are powerful and messianic. "I will set up over them one shepherd, my servant David, and he shall feed them and be their shepherd."
Psalm 23 is also an appropriate meditation for this week.
Thank you God for Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

John 10 - "I am the Gate"

John 10.1-10
"Open to God"

We will spend two Sundays on John 10. In the first half, Jesus says that he is the gate. The Bible talks a lot about sheep and shepherds. Jesus uses an everyday image that was familiar to his audience.
Sheep were so crucial to worship in the Temple, that Nehemiah 3 describes the restoration of the Sheep Gate, on the Northeast corner of the Temple.
Sheep bond with their shepherds, recoginizing their voices and responding to their songs.
May we listen for the voice of our shepherd.

Pray for our youth and their chaperones on their trip to Massanetta. Have fun and grow in Christ together!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Light of the World

John 8.12-30 - "Walking in Christ's Clarity"
Where did I come from? Where am I going? Why am I here?
Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Jesus was clear about his answers to these questions, although his answers mystified his contemporaries and lead us into spiritual reflection. And it should lead us to ask Him for clarity in our lives.
This week, as Jesus says, "I AM the light of the world," what does that light mean for our lives?
Read Exodus 13.17-14.25 to hear the story of the pillar of fire, the Lord leading the people in the wilderness as light in the darkness. Also see Deuteronomy 16.13-17 for more about the festival of tabernacles or booths, celebrated in John 8.

Congratulations to the class of 2009 - Alex, Brian, Dorothy, and Joshua. God bless you in the years ahead!

Join me for the church-wide picnic after church!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"I AM..."

This week we begin a new sermon series on the "I AM..." sayings of Jesus from the gospel of John. "I am the Bread of Life", says Jesus. A fitting statement for celebrating the Lord's Supper. What does it mean for Jesus to be the bread of life? And what are these stories about manna from the Old Testament? Read Exodus 16 and Numbers 11 to understand the people's experience of manna in the wilderness.
If bread is nourishment, what does it mean to rely on Jesus for nourishment?

The Complete Series
1. John 6.25-59 I am the bread of life
2. John 8.12-20 I am the light of the world
3. John 10.1-10 I am the gate
4. John 10.11-18 I am the good shepherd
5. John 11.17-27 I am the resurrection and the life
6. John 14.1-14 I am the way the truth and the life
7. John 15.1-17 I am the true vine

Congratulations to our seniors. Look forward to getting to know you this weekend. May God bless you in these exciting years ahead - your adventure has just begun! Take Christ with you on the journey.

Our second graders receive their Bibles this Sunday. A special gift for special kids. Remember, Bibles are meant to be read.