The story of the gospel in Acts travels from Jerusalem to the road to Ethiopia. Ethiopia probably contained a group of diaspora Jews, like this court official from the court of Candace. Much like the word Pharaoh, Candace (Kentake) was a word that meant queen. Biblical Ethiopia or Cush was ruled by a dynasty of queens. The lands south of Egypt were considered wealthy, providing gold to ancient Egypt.
The church in Ethiopia believes it has the ten commandments, housed in the building in the photo below.
Most people dismiss this claim, but the monk (and scimitars) that guard this shrine say otherwise. To the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia, the ark rests here.
Jesus had called on his disciples to witness to the gospel in all the earth, a commandment fulfilled in this story by Philip. Our openness to new cultures and people different from ourselves is a key to the spread of the gospel. Philip was fearlessly obedient to the Word of God. His sharing changed the world. May the Lord take away our fears and make us open to different cultures. May we all share in the never-ending grace of God.
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