"We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us...." Romans 12.6
Having concluded our series on grace, leading up to Pentecost, we're going to talk about the gifts of grace or the gifts of the Spirit. What else was poured out on the people that day in Jerusalem, but the gifts of the Holy Spirit for sharing their faith. Each Sunday, we will investigate one of these gifts from Romans 12, beginning with the gift of prophecy.
The gift of prophecy does not mean fortune telling. That's not exactly what a prophet does. Instead, a prophet speaks the Word of God for God's people, calling them to change in some way or move in some new direction. The prophet gives witness to God. In ancient Israel, the message of the prophets proclaimed that the leaders or people had to change their ways or face the consequences. In the early church (the epistles in Revelation 1-3, for example), God offered criticisms and opportunities for improvement. Through prophecy, God also promises restoration and forgiveness.
Prophecy is tied to faith, to trust in God. The prophet needs a close relationship with God.
Do you have the gift of prophecy? Which of the spiritual gifts has God given to you (possibly more than one)?