Thursday, April 26, 2012

Gifts of Grace - Part 3 - Teaching

Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.
John Steinbeck

Have you had a favorite teacher?  Someone who really inspired you?  How about at church?  Did someone teach you about your faith?
This Sunday, we're talking about the spiritual gift of teaching. Do you have the gift of teaching?  Has God called you to teach?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Gifts of Grace - Part 2 - Service

The second gift on our list is service, or ministering.  This is such an important gift.  Some people are called just to get in there and help.  Not to try to plan. Not to fund the project.  Not to teach.  Some are called simply to help others.
When I think of this gift, I think of Jesus, with a towel around his waist, washing his disciples' feet.  The King of the Universe as a servant for the world.
I also think of the earliest deacons (same Greek word as "service") in the church (Acts 6.1-7).  They were chosen to wait on the widows of the church.  Since everyone was sharing everything, they had the responsibility to look after the most vulnerable in the church.
Have you been given the gift of service?  How will God use you to serve the world?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gifts of Grace - Part 1 - Prophecy

"We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us...." Romans 12.6
Having concluded our series on grace, leading up to Pentecost, we're going to talk about the gifts of grace or the gifts of the Spirit. What else was poured out on the people that day in Jerusalem, but the gifts of the Holy Spirit for sharing their faith.  Each Sunday, we will investigate one of these gifts from Romans 12, beginning with the gift of prophecy.
The gift of prophecy does not mean fortune telling.  That's not exactly what a prophet does.  Instead, a prophet speaks the Word of God for God's people, calling them to change in some way or move in some new direction.  The prophet gives witness to God.  In ancient Israel, the message of the prophets proclaimed that the leaders or people had to change their ways or face the consequences.  In the early church (the epistles in Revelation 1-3, for example), God offered criticisms and opportunities for improvement.  Through prophecy, God also promises restoration and forgiveness.
Prophecy is tied to faith, to trust in God.  The prophet needs a close relationship with God.
Do you have the gift of prophecy?  Which of the spiritual gifts has God given to you (possibly more than one)?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Grace Part 7 - Grace to Share

When you go to a restaurant, you get a bottomless beverage. "Free refills" means drink as much as you want. Sometimes, it's all you can eat. Isn't it great when things never run out?  But guess what - you can't share!
Now think about God's Grace.  It's "free refills" all the time.  It never runs out and is always there.  The difference is, you can share with everyone!
Having been blessed with the Grace of God, let us share this gift of love, hope, and resurrection that never runs out.  Grace is there to share!