Thursday, June 30, 2011

Acts 4.23-31 - The Nations

Peter continually comments on the Psalms. In this passage, he refers to Psalm 2.  The Psalm says:

Now therefore, O kings, be wise;
be warned, O rulers of the earth....
Happy are all who take refuge in him.

As you celebrate the 4th, remember your first freedom, the freedom of religion.  We are free to take refuge in God in this nation. Kings (dictators and presidents & prime ministers, congresses & parliaments) and governments cannot protect us. God will protect and guide.Our freedom makes us servants to God.

As a bonus, read the first place this freedom appeared in American law in Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Acts 4.1-22 - Conflict in the Temple

When Peter and John and the apostles begin to speak boldly and heal the lame, the authorities in the temple listen. When God heals the lame man, the Sadducee are once again "annoyed" by the teaching that there is a resurrection, now proclaimed in Jesus. Unlike the Pharisees, the doctrine of the Sadducees denied the possibility of resurrection. Jesus' followers went a step further.  In addition to their anticipated resurrection at the end of time, they proclaimed that one man, Jesus, had already been raised.
The apostles are bold to answer when the authorities ask, “By what power or by what name did you do this?” They proclaim Jesus Christ.
This scene reminds us of the courage it takes sometimes to proclaim your faith. Peter had denied Jesus before the crucifixion. Now, with the Spirit's help, he is no longer ashamed of his Lord.
May we have the same Spirit and the same boldness to proclaim Christ, especially to those who need to hear of the power of the resurrection.