Jesus' ministry takes a bold step in Chapter 9. Up to this point, the healing has been done by Jesus. After Jesus calls the twelve to take his message and ministry to the rest of Israel, the ministry of Jesus is no longer a local phenomenon. The twelve are sent to the other towns, ministering under the authority of Jesus. Ever since, Christ has called the church to ministry in Jesus' name.
The disciples also feed the 5,000 in the name of Jesus.
The fame of Jesus' ministry reaches the notice of Herod, the power of his day. Herod had John the Baptist killed hoping it would end the prophetic criticism of his kingdom. Along comes Jesus with the same message. Who is this Jesus?
The question echoes today. Who is this Jesus?
Many answers come from the crowds. The correct answer comes from Peter: Messiah.
When confronted with this same question, who do we say he is? And, more importantly, what does it mean to say that Jesus is the Messiah of God. If we say that He is Lord and King, what do we do next?
First, we recognize that we are not king. Someone else is Lord of our lives and Lord of everything.
Having confessed that Jesus is Lord, we conform our lives to His will, not our own. What change does the confession that Jesus is the Messiah create in you?